
Daily Crossword


Crossword puzzles can be enjoyable to pass the time and keep your brain sharp. Each day brings with it something new to solve! Daily crosswords offer something stimulating for both adults and kids! Check out the Best info about LOLBeans.

Crossword puzzles have long been featured in newspapers. The New York Times was one of the first to publish daily crosswords.


Crossword puzzles are a classic mind exercise designed to keep your mind active while helping you learn new words and find fresh challenges daily. Each day brings new themes and puzzles to put your skills through their paces!

Each puzzle presents a challenge while also being fun! With hundreds of unique themes spanning Movies, Sports, Technology, Games, History, and Architecture!

Themes can solve puzzles faster by giving clues to a topic on which they can work. Switching up the order of puzzle pieces will also provide fresh perspectives for solving clues.

The NY Times Crossword is a viral puzzle featuring new weekly themes and is even available as a mini crossword app that can be loads of fun to play!


Many American crossword puzzles feature a “theme,” consisting of several long entries (usually three to five in a 15×15 “weekday-size” puzzle) with some shared relationship or element, such as puns.

Clues for crossword puzzles often provide simple definitions of answers, making cryptic crosswords easier to solve; however, American-style crosswords may present challenges in selecting one out of several synonymous answers as answers.

Diagramless crosswords present an extra challenge, as their clue numbers and shaded squares aren’t specified – forcing the solver to figure out how best to fill their grid with answers. In addition, solvers must find solutions to combine partially built answers into larger clumps with correctly set shaded squares in an efficient manner.


As you complete a crossword, you will find many abbreviations-filled clues and answers; you will likely come across abbreviations-rich clues and answers.

These guides can assist in finding answers to particular clues or providing context for longer answers while giving a sense of a puzzle’s overall theme or structure.

As well as knowing the abbreviations for American states or symbols such as Roman numerals (I for 1, V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, and C for 100) might require knowledge of other abbreviations for American states or symbols, like Roman numerals. For example, I stands for one; V stands for five; X stands for 10; L stands for 50, and C stands for 100.

As a student, you may have formed the habit of solving daily crosswords during class as an effective way to unwind and relax – an activity that keeps your brain active in an ever-more-stressful world.

Question marks

American crossword puzzles often use the convention that clues with question marks indicate wordplay, homonyms, or less-obvious answers that help solvers identify correct solutions quickly and avoid potential pitfalls. This helps speed up solving time as solvers can quickly recognize when something doesn’t make sense and discover it more quickly.

Occasionally, you’ll come across clues with abbreviated clues designed to fit within a grid. This indicates that an answer might require further investigation.

Clues often feature words from foreign languages, making for challenging puzzles. Memorize common idioms and phrases to interpret such clues better.

The Daily Crossword has a rich and complex history. It was canceled and revived multiple times over its tenure, each version adding its flavor.


Crossword puzzles are used worldwide as both an educational tool and recreational pastime and are increasingly becoming an essential form of English language learning for English Language Learners (ELLs).

One challenge English Language Learners (ELLs) face when solving crosswords can be wordplay. Clues usually incorporate synonyms, common category words, or trivia as solutions for clues found daily.

In a cryptic puzzle, the clue consists of two parts: a straight leg and an elliptically suggesting answer cryptic portion that elliptically implies the solution. Sometimes this part will feature multiple types of wordplay: reversals may form part of an assembly, while anagrams could form containers within its structure. It is generally more challenging to solve than its straight counterpart.

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