
How to Clean a Pizza Stone


For routine cleaning, you’ll want to scrape the stone. This will help remove any crumbs that may have stuck to the stone. After using your scraper, dry the stone thoroughly and store it away. You can also use baking soda and water paste to remove any greasy bits that might have remained on the stone’s surface.

Dish soap

After using a pizza stone, cleaning it thoroughly to prevent it from cracking or staining is essential. The first step is to let the stone cool completely before cleaning it. Once the stone is excellent, run it under hot water to remove any dried residue. You can also use a stone brush to remove stubborn food residue.

After you have cleaned your stone, you can apply a non-stick cooking spray to remove the soapy residue. Apply the spray to the entire surface and let sit for at least 20 minutes before wiping it off with a clean cloth.

Bench scraper

Cleaning a pizza stone doesn’t require a lot of elbow grease, but it’s essential to know how to do it properly. A bench scraper or metal spatula is an excellent option for stubborn debris. Other alternatives include a stone brush or scouring pad. If you don’t have either of those tools, you can use an unused toothbrush or fine-grit sandpaper. The key is to be gentle and not use soap because this will leave a soapy taste on your pizza.

Baking soda and water is another way to scrub stubborn stains and other crusty particles from a pizza stone. Applying the baking soda solution to the stone is like making a paste out of toothpaste but grittier. It would help if you used about an eighth cup for this cleaning solution.


To clean a pizza stone, start by allowing it to cool completely before using it. You should use only a tiny amount of water during the cleaning process. Once finished, dry the stone thoroughly. This is an excellent time to scrub the surface with a stone brush and wipe away any dirt or debris.

Water is not the best cleaning solution for a pizza stone because it can leave it damp and cause strange tastes and smells. Furthermore, too much water can generate steam that can damage your stone. In addition to damaging your stone, water will also soak up the food grease that you’ve prepared on the stone.

A pizza stone will become stained with time as you use it. Some of these stains will not come off, no matter how often you clean them. However, this won’t affect the taste of your food. Some people think that stains enhance flavor.


Before you start baking a pizza on your pizza stone, it is important to season it. Seasoning your stone correctly is essential so it will hold the heat and prevent cracks. If you don’t season your stone correctly, you risk getting cracked stones, which need to be repaired.

The process of seasoning your stone will increase the stone’s cooking ability. It will also help your stone hold heat better and make cleaning easier. It will also prevent food from sticking to the stone, and you’ll spend less time cleaning it.

Cleaning while still hot

If you have a pizza stone, you need to make sure you clean it properly. If you don’t, you can damage the stone by causing it to absorb water. To avoid this, mix table salt and baking soda in water and paste. This paste will absorb excess moisture from the stone so it won’t damage it. Leave the paste on the stone for at least 20 minutes. Of course, the more concentrated the table salt is, the better.

When cleaning a pizza stone while it’s hot, it’s essential to follow the correct steps. While some people think using soapy water is the right way to clean a stone, following the correct steps will ensure that the stone stays clean for a long time.