
Importance of Literacy in a Society



Literacy is a particular way of thinking about reading and writing. It describes the way people understand and express ideas in writing.


Literacy is the process of reading, writing, and understanding the world around us. Technology has made it easier to access information and communicates with others, but it has also changed the nature of literacy. For example, with spell-check and social media, writing and reading have become less complex, and people have shorter attention spans.


Speaking is a fundamental skill that mediates learning across the curriculum. While reading and writing are the two most important elements of literacy, speaking and listening are also essential components of social interactions. When students talk with one another, they are simultaneously developing their literacy and content knowledge. In addition to this, they are also practicing critical thinking and content understanding through academic conversations.


Listening is part of literacy and plays a vital role in reading. Research suggests that children with good listening skills are more likely to become proficient readers. Conversely, children with poor listening skills often struggle to understand, follow, and complete tasks.

Knowledge of words

Many children struggle with reading comprehension, and knowledge of words is essential to literacy. While some children naturally understand letter-sound correspondences, most require intensive instruction to make the connection between speech and print. However, the benefits of instruction are profound: students gain greater confidence and accuracy in word recognition.

Knowledge of letter patterns

For children to succeed in reading and writing, they must know the letter patterns that accompany speech sounds. This is part of their literacy development and is an essential aspect of the Four Resources model. Therefore, children should learn the patterns of letters when they first start learning to read and write.

Understanding of cultural norms

Understanding cultural norms is an integral part of literacy education. It helps students from different backgrounds work together more effectively and understand their cultural differences. In addition, it helps them become more sensitive and open-minded toward other cultures.

Cost of books

To maximize the impact of your literacy program, you should reduce the cost of books. One way to do this is by donating books. Many public libraries receive donated books regularly. These books are often saved for book sales, which benefit many different public library programs. Generally, these sales are inexpensive, ranging from $0.25 to $1 each.

Importance of literacy

The Importance of literacy in society goes far beyond just the economics of education. It can have a significant impact on people’s lives and well-being. Illiterate people are at risk of many health problems, including HIV/AIDS. Increased schooling has also been associated with a lower risk of contracting HIV. Moreover, literate women better understand the risks and prevention of AIDS than their illiterate counterparts.

Theories of literacy

There are two significant theories of literacy. The first, the cognitive theory, assumes that literacy is a learned skill acquired by people from different social and cultural backgrounds. This view has persisted since its origin, and many influential institutions and policies still favor it. The second, the sociocultural theory, argues that differences in literacy development are based more on experiential differences than on differences in ability. These two theories may complement each other, or they may be mutually exclusive.