
Improve Your Balance With Interactive Video Games


Interacting with video games is an ideal way to help people develop their imaginations and story-telling skills. These games also teach players to think in a forward-thinking manner and to adapt to the world around them. Players can transform video game characters into complex beings that experience real emotion. This allows players to empathize with characters and the situation they are in. This is a valuable skill that will prove invaluable as they age and experience new life situations.

Improves executive function

A new study shows that cognitive-motor stimulation, including interactive video games, can help patients improve executive function. The study examined 39 chronic stroke patients who were part of either an interactive video-game intervention or a traditional group therapy. Both groups participated in two one-hour group sessions per week for three months. The Bill-Paying Task and Trail Making Test (Parts A and B) assessed the participants.

The effects of playing action-based video games on executive functioning have not been studied extensively. However, there are some differences between the two groups. Previous studies found that two types of games, 2D and 3D, had similar effects on executive functions. Interestingly, the results of the study were similar for both groups. The findings also suggest that the positive effects of playing interactive video games may be more prevalent than previously thought. Future studies should explore whether active video games improve executive function and how this may influence real-world behavior.

In the study, researchers recruited 33 college students aged 55 to 75. The participants showed significant improvements in reflexive saccade inhibition and right FEF when playing Super Mario 65, two important cognitive processes for executive function. The participants also demonstrated improved executive function in comparison to the control group. The researchers concluded that playing interactive video games can improve executive function. But more research is needed to prove whether this effect is permanent. There are several possible ways in which playing video games can improve executive function.

Researchers conducted the study to compare the effects of three-dimensional games on people’s performance on an antisaccade task. The antisaccade task tests the ability to avoid a stimulus while making rapid eye movements. The study found that 3D video games improved executive function, but the effects were not permanent. These games should be played for several weeks to improve executive function. They may also be used to improve executive function among people with dementia.

Improves balance in older adults

Research shows that later balancing exercises can improve older adults’ balance, coordination, and leg strength. The exercises have also improved cognitive functions such as memory and spatial cognition. They may help improve balance and overall quality of life. But, do balance exercises work? We need to know more about this to make an informed decision about whether or not these exercises are worth the effort. Here are some tips to help you stay safe and on track during your daily routine.

Exercises that build strength and improve balance include walking, chair yoga, and tai chi. Regular physical activity incorporating strength training, cardio, and stretching is also important. A healthy diet is also essential for balance and overall health. It is important to keep your balance and enjoy yourself when you see improvement. A healthy lifestyle will increase your chances of staying active and reducing your fall risk. The following exercises may help improve balance and coordination in older adults.

Exercises that improve balance include simple stretches. Stretching exercises can improve gait speed and improve balance, and posture. Tai chi and yoga are also good choices for balance exercises. These exercises can be done at home or in a class. Fitness facilities offer classes in balance-promoting exercises. However, before beginning a new exercise program, consult your health care provider to ensure you are doing it safely. Even though exercises can improve balance, they shouldn’t be the only exercise you do.

Exercises that combine strength and flexibility are particularly effective in enhancing balance. These exercises can help mitigate the age-related balance deficits in older adults. You can perform these exercises without supervision, but a supervised program is more effective. A 12-week BST program followed by a 12-week detraining program is recommended to improve balance in older adults. These exercises can help older adults maintain their strength and reduce fall risk.

Improves functional reach

The study’s main objective was to determine the effect of interactive video games on individuals post-stroke. Researchers searched Health Science databases, including Medline via PubMed, for clinical studies evaluating interactive video games’ effect on poststroke individuals. Studies were also evaluated according to their methodological quality using the PEDro Scale. The results showed a significant effect on poststroke patients’ functional balance. Moreover, the meta-analysis of the included studies revealed no publication bias.

In the present study, 56 patients with subacute stroke were recruited for the study. All of the participants were hospitalized at the La Fuenfria Hospital in Madrid. Participants who had behavioral disorders or were rejected the study were excluded from the study. However, the results were generally positive. The participants’ satisfaction with the training content was high. Overall, the study’s findings show that interactive video games improve functional reach in older adults.

Improves dynamic balance

Virtual reality training can help children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy improve dynamic balance. Researchers recruited 20 girls with SHCP from special schools to participate in the study. Both groups were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group. The experimental group received training using Kinect (a dance game developed by Microsoft Inc.) or Just Dance 3, and the control group received only an online version of the games. The researchers also administered the modified star excursion balance test (MANCOVA) to measure dynamic balance.

The authors of this study examined the effects of dynamic balance exercise on rehabilitation in patients with cerebellar atrophy. They compared two types of rehabilitation programs: a traditional rehab regimen consisting of balance and strength exercises; and a video game-based program incorporating dynamic balance training. COP-controlled video game-based exercises improved participants’ dynamic balance control in both groups and motivation to complete rehabilitation exercises. In both cases, the subjects performed the exercises while standing on a fixed floor surface. In some cases, the participants performed the tasks while standing on a compliant sponge pad.

A popular interactive video game example of dynamic difficulty balancing is the Mario Kart series. In these games, players collect items that are distributed according to the driver’s position on the field. Those near the bottom of the field are most likely to receive items that boost speed, while those near the top are more likely to get items that reduce speed. In contrast, first or second-place drivers are likely to receive weaker items.