
What is a Technologic?


Technology has become an indispensable part of everyday life – be it staying in contact with friends, tracking your location, or listening to your favorite tunes – an integral component of how science operates.

Essential technologies are defined by specificity (for instance, pencils are for writing while pendulums measure small objects), stability, and transparency of function (their inner workings can easily be observed).


Technologic refers to anything rooted in science that applies directly to daily life, from social networking platforms and information retrieval tools, to food production and production methods and even listening to music. Technologic also includes technologies used for work or play, such as computers, cameras, virtual reality headsets, or musical instruments; its origin comes from two Greek words meaning art or craft and word respectively – techne and logos in Greek.

Technology is the rational practice of creating means to order and transform matter, energy, and information to achieve valued ends. Technological processes involve designing and using tools, devices, systems, methods, and procedures to make these transformations possible, including tools, devices systems, and methods strategies, along with knowledge of how and what can be gained by ordering or transforming material resources. Developed within certain cultures or societies is known as basic technology – an extremely varied form that may differ significantly from technology used elsewhere.

Technology provides many benefits but can also uproot existing social hierarchies and lead to environmental degradation. It is an intricate field that constantly changes.

Technologic in education refers to how teachers utilize technology for teaching and learning purposes. For educators to effectively use tech in the classroom is no small challenge – especially as newer technologies have learning styles that differ from older technologies. Teachers must recognize analog vs. digital differences and how these technologies affect students’ education.

Technologic and technological are often used interchangeably, but in certain situations, one or the other might make more sense than the other. For example, the word specialized may be more appropriate when discussing specific historical periods. Furthermore, different terms have different meanings across languages, so it would be beneficial to research which terminology will best resonate with an international audience when writing for global consumption.


Technology refers to any field reliant upon science for practical application in everyday life, such as networking computers to share files. Furthermore, technological innovations can also be used to create new things – for instance, the manufacturing of cars or pharmaceutical research.

At first, technological inventions were the work of craftsmen using insights from natural sciences to develop tools and implements from scratch. This process helped shape our understanding of the relationship between science and engineering; nevertheless, technology remained relatively trial and error. By the beginning of the twentieth century, however, technological innovations had grown increasingly more extensive and required large stores of knowledge that any single individual couldn’t manage; organizations were instead needed to create technologies from a more comprehensive enterprise perspective.

Many of the world’s most pressing issues require an in-depth knowledge of human-centered science and technology (HCST). Examples include the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, healthcare delivery systems, and genomics, all with solid technological elements. Such issues require scientific, technical, social, and political approaches beyond STEM disciplines alone to solve.

Technologic may be defined as an adjective, but it has often been used as a noun. Daft Punk’s new music video for their song “Technologic” takes place in a pyramid-themed studio and features Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter performing bass guitar while an automated robot sings lyrics on a monitor; additional Egyptian elements include an Egyptian car and even a pyramid on the moon!

Technologic can also be applied to teaching contexts, including integrating technologies in classrooms. TPACK stands for “Teaching, Pedagogy, and Technology Acquired Knowledge” and refers to understanding how each technology’s affordances and constraints intersect with discipline-specific knowledge to facilitate significant technology teaching experiences.


Business leaders must take technology seriously to avoid disastrous outcomes. One effective way of doing so is understanding it before starting up, which is especially relevant for new entrepreneurs starting their ventures.

The proper hardware, software, and apps are critical to running a successful business. Unfortunately, many individuals make errors when selecting these tools resulting in limited functionality or no return on investment.

Company technology should also be protected from cyber criminals who attempt to breach sensitive data, which is why having an up-to-date backup and disaster recovery plan in place is vital – this helps avoid costly mistakes while keeping business information safe.


Users of technological technology can complete exercises to increase the efficacy and effectiveness of their use of it. These don’t take much time or knowledge; most can be achieved with found materials, with some willingness to experiment for good measure, plus some creativity added for good measure!

Technologic exercises can be completed individually; however, for more significant results, doing them as part of a group or in pairs may be beneficial. This enables team members to pursue different solutions during an exercise and compare their outcomes at their conclusion.

Mark Weiser created an engaging technological exercise called Live Wire at Xerox PARC during the mid-1990s as an art piece called Live Wire that demonstrated ambient awareness without needing intrusive hardware solutions.

One such campaign is the Advanced Naval Technology Experimentation campaign, in which companies and government research and development organizations display military technologies for demonstration to Navy and Marine Corps warfighters so they may ascertain their utility.